Saturday, January 15, 2011

studens (Studying)

Stop talking gibberish
Or just stop talking now
-Gibberish, Relient K

I need to study, and I need to blog. So I'm killing two birds with one stone.

1st declension nouns
nom: puella, voc: puella, acc: pullam, gen: puellae, dat: puellae, abl: puella
nom pl: puellae, voc pl: puellae, acc pl: puellas, gen pl: puellarum, dat pl: puellis, abl pl: puellis

2nd declension nouns (masculine)
nom: colonus/puer/ager, voc: colone/puer/ager, acc: colonum/puerum/agrum, gen: coloni/pueri/agri, dat: colono/puero/agro, abl: colono/puero/agro
nom pl: coloni/pueri/agri, voc pl: coloni/pueri/agri, acc pl: colonos/pueros/agros, gen pl: colonorum/puerorum/agrorum, dat pl: colonis/pueris/agris, abl pl: colonis/pueris/agris

2nd declension nouns (neuter)
nom: bellum, voc: bellum, acc: bellum, gen: belli, dat: bello, abl: bello
nom pl: bella, voc pl: bella, acc pl: bella, gen pl: bellorum, dat pl: bellis, abl pl: bellis

3rd declension nouns (consonant stem, masculine and feminine)
nom: rex, acc: regem, gen: regis, dat: regi, abl: rege
nom pl: reges, acc pl: reges, gen pl: regum, dat pl: regibus, abl pl: regibus

3rd declension nouns (consonant stem, neuter)
nom: litus, acc: litus, gen: litoris, dat: litori, abl: litore
nom pl: litora, acc pl: litora, gen pl: litorum, dat pl: litoribus, abl pl: litoribus

3rd declension nouns (i stem, masculine and feminine)
nom: navis, acc: navem, gen: navis, dat: navi, abl: nave
nom pl: naves, acc pl: naves, gen pl: navium, dat pl: navibus, abl pl: navibus

3rd declension nouns (i stem, neuter)
nom: mare, acc: mare, gen: maris, dat: mari, abl: mari
nom pl: maria, acc pl: maria, gen pl: marium, dat pl: maribus, abl pl: maribus

4th declension nouns (masculine and feminine)
nom: gradus, acc: grudum, gen: gradus, dat: gradui, abl: gradu
nom pl: grudus, acc pl: gradus, gen pl: graduum, dat pl: gradibus, abl pl: gradibus

4th declension nouns (neuter)
nom: cornu, acc: cornu, gen: cornus, dat: cornui, abl: cornu
nom pl: cornua, acc pl: cornua, gen pl: cornuum, dat pl: cornibus, abl pl: cornibus

5th declension nouns
nom: res, acc: rem, gen: rei, dat: rei, abl: re
nom pl: res, acc pl: res, gen pl: rerum, dat pl: rebus, abl pl: rebus

Verb endings (present)
1st: -o, 2nd: -s, 3rd: -t, 1st pl: -mus, 2nd pl: -tis, 3rd pl: -nt

Verb endings (pluperfect)
1st: -eram, 2nd: -eras, 3rd: -erat, 1st pl: -eramus, 2nd pl: -eratis, 3rd pl: -erant

Verb endings (imperfect)
1st: -bam, 2nd: -bas, 3rd: -bat, 1st pl: bamus, 2nd pl: batis, 3rd pl: bant

Verb endings (perfect)
1st: -i, 2nd: -isti, 3rd: -it, 1st pl: -imus, 2nd pl: -istis, 3rd pl: -erunt

Verb endings (future, 1st and 2nd conjugations)
1st: -bo, 2nd: -bis, 3rd: -bit, 1st pl: -bimus, 2nd pl: -bitis, 3rd pl: -bunt

Verb endings (future, 3rd, 4th, and mixed conjugations)
1st: -am, 2nd: -es, 3rd: -et, 1st pl: -emus, 2nd pl: -etis, 3rd pl: -ent

Verb endings (future perfect)
1st: -ero, 2nd: -eris, 3rd: -erit, 1st pl: -erimus, 2nd pl: -eritis, 3rd pl: -erint

I think that's enough torture for now, I must go study irregular adjective and adverb comparisons.

Stay tuned for more Pathetic Tales From A Broken Doll.



Limpy said...

Sounds like fun :)
I assume you know all that stuff so congrats, because it looks hard.

xhxixdxdxexnx said...

I messed up my 4th declension nouns and had to correct them, but other than that I seem to remember everything :D

The remembering isn't so hard, it's the actual use of everything that's hard lol.

Cross-Eyed Morgan said...

i didn't actually read any of that, and i have no idea what any of this is about

bet you're glad i stated that

xhxixdxdxexnx said...

Completely, in fact it made my day.

I didn't expect anyone to read it. I just didn't feel like moving to study :P

Anonymous said...

Fools admire, but men of sense approve.