Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jumping On The Bandwagon

Yes I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say
-Things I'll Never Say, Avril Lavigne

I'm much too lazy to steal the 30 Days of Me thing from Hailz, so I will attempt this 10 Days thingy I stole from some random on DeviantArt:

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

 Like all the other things I decide to blog about, it will probably never be finished. But oh well. Here's day one.

1. I honestly don't understand why someone like you would hang out with someone like me. I turn to you with stupid problems, and half the time I ignore your advice, even though I know you're right. Did I mention you're awesome?

2. Thank you. Those few real talks we've had were awesome. Too bad you act like a dick most of the time. I totally understand why though.

3. I probably should have listened to you (well, I did listen, I just didn't do anything). It's not that I disagreed or anything, I just don't have the motivation. Just having someone notice, and even make some sense of it all helped a lot. Even though I highly doubt you remember, thank you.

4. I've already told you this, but I don't think you believed me. I'm sorry, that was just as stupid as expected. And it was my fault, not yours, you idiot.

5. Stop being so paranoid. The whole world isn't out to get you, and neither am I. I love you, why would I hurt you intentionally? I'm just stupid. Also, you should be mad at me, not him.

6. That was me by the way.

7. There's no way you'll ever see this, but thank you. You helped me to sing in front of people properly for the first time. I wish I'd known you better.

8. I love you, but you make me feel so old and mature. And that's just ridiculous.

9. You have cool pinstriped pants. I'm sorry if my staring disturbed you.

10. I really wish you'd talked to me, instead of acting like nothing happened. It would've made life a whole lot easier, and maybe I wouldn't still hate you.

So... Yea. Ten things I'd never say to people's faces. 50,000 points to whoever can guess them all. Providing you're not Devon, 'cause he knows them all.

Stay tuned for more Pathetic Tales From A Broken Doll.



Limpy said...

Hahaha pinstripe pants guy.

Limpy said...

Also this one is kind of cool, and shorter, and therefore easier. I may steal at some point :)

xhxixdxdxexnx said...

Haha, obviously. But I was looking for Matt. You can have 2500 points for that :P

Doesn't anyone else wanna guess? You should be able to get 2, maybe 3 more.

Limpy said...

The only other one might be myself for #1. I am seriously stumped on the others though.

Cross-Eyed Morgan said...

I'm guessing one's at Devon, though I'm not sure which one

I can't guess a single one :(

xhxixdxdxexnx said...

Yeap, #1 is you Hailz. Now you have 7500 points.

Indeed one of them is about Devon. There's really only three it could possibly be so it shouldn't be too hard.

Limpy said...

At least you know that you should have listened. I will persist hoping one day you will eventually take my advice.

I also think you are awesome for using the right you're lol

xhxixdxdxexnx said...

One day I'll learn. I hope :P
Of course I used the right you're! I'm obsessive about stuff like that.