Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Inconvenience of Time and Sheep

I used to obsess over living
Now I only obsess over you
Tell me you'd like boys like me better
In the dark lying on top of you
This has been said so many times
That I'm not sure if it matters
-Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying, Fall Out Boy

So, my weekend is over. I read 2 books, reorganised my mp3 player, did some maths, and that's about it. Time flys when you really don't want it to. Everyday gets closer to next year. Every minute gets closer to me waking up tomorrow. But when you want time to speed up, it decides to stop for awhile. Stupid time, I should throw the sun at whoever invented time. If I was a vampire time would be irrelevant. 'Cause being immortal and all, I'd have forever to do whatever I wanted. And I wouldn't have to go to school.

By the way, I was obsessed with vampires before all those stupid sheep. That's right, I bit people before vampires were cool :P Those stupid sheep will love anything as long as you shove it down their throats enough (hmmm, no wonder lots of them are sluts... If you got that, get your mind out of the gutter!) Although, as long as what I like just happens to be popular, it is much easier to find. For example: black skinny jeans, black in general, anything to do with vampires, colourful eyeliner, etc. What really pisses me off, is when I wore bright blue eyeliner to school I got heaps of shit for it. Yet 2 weeks later, the same people who gave me shit were wearing it. And then they had the nerve to look at me like I wasn't good enough to wear it. I really dislike sheep, quite intensly.

Please excuse the spelling mistakes, this computer doesn't correct them for me, and stay tuned for more Pathetic Tales From A Broken Doll.
