Monday, August 31, 2009

Stress, Debates, and "Christopher" the n00b

Well let's go back to the middle of the day that starts it all
I can't begin to let you know just what I'm feeling
And now the red ones make me fly
And the blue ones help me fall
Well I think I'll blow my brains against the ceiling
-Headfirst For Halos, My Chemical Romance

Arrrgh I'm so stressed right now. Sleep deprivation and school do not help either. No matter how many times I'm told not to worry... Next year is going to cost so much, and to be honest the thought of Uni terrifies me. In fact, according to my mother, I have been stressed about Uni since I was at kindy. Of course I'm always stressed about something anyway, so this is nothing new.

Something else that is not at all new is "debates" with "Christopher" (as he now insists on being called *coughsimoncough*). Today it just so happened to be on the subject of evolution versus creationism. Again, this is not particularly new, however the participators in this debate were somewhat new. Namely; me, "Christopher" and Carl (with odd comments from Arek). Debates with "Christopher" always have a few things in common:

  1. He takes the side of Christianity, as he sees it
  2. He refuses to be wrong
  3. He reverts to completely irrelevant points continuously
  4. He doesn't listen to what you're trying to say
So it was no suprise to me today to find that even when people were arguing the same side, they were too busy disagreeing to notice. "Christopher" of course took the side of creationism, constantly referring to the Flood. Carl took the side of evolution, constantly referring to finches. And me (being me) asked why they couldn't both be right. For some reason "Christopher could not understand nor accept that the bible could at all be wrong because of all the evidence (that I can't recall any of) that the Flood happened. Why it had to happen exactly the way the bible says, I have no idea. Stupid stubborn Simon, oops I mean "Christopher". Carl made a very good point, how the hell could anyone collect two of every animal? And then I made the excellent point (that even "Christopher" had to fabricate an argument for) that all the animals would have killed eachother anyway.

In the end we just got told to shut up by Miss, but the point is that it is hopeless to try to get "Christopher" to listen to anything you say. Especially if you're talking about anything to do with Christinaty. Because according to him, Christianity isn't a religion, it's a knowledge.

Stay tuned for more Pathetic Tales From A Broken Doll.
