Friday, April 2, 2010

The Bizarre, The Latin Lectures, and Runescape

I know who I am, but who are you?
You're not looking like you used to
You're on the other side of the mirror
So nothing's looking quite as clear
Thank you for turning on the lights
Thank you, now you're the parasite
I didn't think you had it in you
And now you're looking like I used to
-Sunday Morning, No Doubt

Okay, so I had a somewhat interesting topic to rant about. But now I can't remember it. So instead I'll babble on about nothing because I've decided I should probably say something at least.

So anyway, Uni is okay. Can't be bothered with the actual work part... But the lectures are generally interesting. And on the odd occasion when Devon crashes my lectures the whole day is pretty interesting. So how do you feel about fitting approximately 600 million animals on a boat? With enough stuff to feed them all aswell? Plus all of the plants.

On another note, who the hell writes 800 word introductions?

What I really need to do is write down some of the bizarre things that people write on the desks and toilet doors. And maybe some of the less bizarre ones too. Bizarre is a bizarre word. It amazes me how many people still go on about Twilight at Uni, n00bs.

Oh, I know what to write about. My Latin lecturer is completely nuts. At least in my opinion anyway. I swear, every lecture he goes completely off topic and goes on and on about something completely irrelevant until I forget what we were meant to be doing in the first place. I may have to write down some of the stuff he says too. For now though, here are some of his favourite topics:
1. Germans/Germany- This actually scares me. So far I have learned that it is impossible to speak German and be an idiot, German trains are always on time, and the Germans do everything right.
2. Children- Apparently he hates them, enough to tell us pretty much every day. So far I have learned that they shouldn't be considered as people, and maybe used as slaves.
3. The word 'puer'- Simply, it means 'boy' in Latin. But we got a lesson on how the plural 'pueri' can be used for males and females, it's an insult and what slaves are called, and then we learnt what people were called at each stage of life and how a baby wasn't a person until the father acknowledged it (if he didn't then the baby would be left somewhere for Jupiter to take care of).
4. Differences between Britain and America- As in, what you read first when learning Latin, and such. He knows we're in New Zealand right? And that ain't isn't a word? And we don't roll our rs, we're not all Southlanders you know!

I'm bored now. Go away so I can play RuneScape (mem again! Yay :D) By the way, if you haven't seen Alice in Wonderland go see it right now. It's like awesomeness in a box, but without the box.

Stay tuned for more Pathetic Tales From A Broken Doll.
